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Implied conditional Exercises

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Read time : 2 minutes
In English, sometimes we use the idea of 'if' without using an 'if' clause. This is called an implied conditional. It is when the 'if clause' is implied and not stated. Conditional verbs are used in the result clause.

Conditional verbs are often used after 'otherwise'. 

Example Sentences of Implied Conditionals : 

  • I would have visited you, but I didn't know that you were at home. (I would have visited you if I had known you were at home.)
  • It wouldn't have been a good meeting without Rosa. (It wouldn't have been a good meeting if Rosa had not been there.)
  • I would have answered the phone, but I didn't hear it ring. (I would have answered the phone if I had heard it ring.)
  • I couldn't have finished the work without your help. (I couldn't have finished the work if you had not helped.)
  • I would have gone to Nepal last summer, but I didn't have enough money. (I would have gone to Nepal last summer if I'd had enough money.)
  • I stepped on the brakes. Otherwise, I would have hit the child on the bicycle. (If I hadn't stepped on the brakes, I would have hit the child on the bicycle.) 
  • Louise turned down the volume on the tape player. Otherwise, the neighbours would have complained about the noise. (If Louise hadn't turned down the volume on the tape player, the neighbours would have complained about the noise.)
  • Tarek would have finished his education, but he had to quit school and find a job in order to support his family. (Tarek would have finished his education if he hadn't had to quit school and find a job.)
  • I would have finished my report before I left work yesterday, but I didn't have time.
  • I couldn't have paid for my trip to New Zealand without my parents help.
  • I would buy a Ferrari, but I don't have enough money.
  • I ran out of time. Otherwise, I would have finished my report before the meeting.
  • I could go to an Italian restaurant with my friends tonight, but I don't want to.
  • Without water, all life on earth would die.
  • I would have gone to the meeting, but I didn't know about it.
  • I set my alarm for six every morning. Otherwise, I would be late for work.
  • I would have invited your brother to join us for dinner, but I didn't know he was in town.
Implied conditional example sentences
You could say good morning to the queen before you go to work.Ты могла бы желать доброго утра королеве перед тем, как идти на работу.
I don't think going back would make me feel any better!Не думаю, что возвращение поможет мне чувствовать себя лучше!
Hm, I never measure it but about a tablespoon would be enough!Хм, никогда не измеряю, думаю, столовой ложки будет достаточно!
Because I didn't think talking to you would solve the problem!Потому что не думала, что разговор с тобой решил бы проблему!
Since I'm working at home it wouldn't really bother me.А так как я работаю дома, меня бы это не волновало.
I don't think it's weird, what would you do?Я не думаю, что это жестоко, а ты бы что сделала?
Wouldn't it be better just to look at the recipe picture on your phone?А не лучше ли было смотреть в сфотографированный рецепт прямо в телефоне?
What would you do?А что бы ты сделал?
I thought it would be safer keeping it with me.Я подумал, что будет безопаснее, если она будет у меня.
Okay, that would be nice.Да, это было бы отлично.
Yeah, a cup of coffee would be perfect.Да, чашка кофе - это было бы отлично.
That's bollocks, no one would pay that much for this room!Это бред, никто не будет платить столько за эту комнату!
Well, I don't think it would be more than 10% more.Ну, не думаю, что это будет больше, чем на 10%.
You wouldn't hear any noise from upstairs in the morning.Ты бы не слышал никакого шума сверху по утрам.
But it would take a long time...Но это бы заняло много времени...
Because, I didn't think it would be a big deal for you!Потому что не думала, что это так важно для тебя!
Why would we get a 5 bedroom house for 4 people?А зачем нам 5 спален для 4-х человек?
Yes, that is what I would normally do, too.Да, и обычно я тоже так делаю.
Why not? We could be neighbours of Buckingham Palace.А почему нет? Мы могли бы жить в соседстве с Букингемским Дворцом.
Wouldn't it be easier to look at it on your phone?А разве не проще было бы посмотреть его в телефоне?


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Can you give me the explanation?
Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional