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Imperative Exercises

( Free Online English Grammar Lessons )

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Imperative Form : ( Base form (verb 1) )

In English we use imperatives to :

  • give very strong advice 
  • give instructions
  • give orders

The positive imperative is the same as the infinitive. The negative imperative is don't + infinitive.   

Notes for use of imperatives :

In English an imperative sentence does not require a subject; the pronoun "you" is implied. 

Imperative Example Sentences : 

Positive Examples of Imperatives :

  • Stop smoking. 
  • Do more exercise. 
  • Eat more vegetables.  
  • Do your homework!  

Negative Examples of Imperatives :

  • Don't eat a lot of salt. 
  • Don't drink too much alcohol. 
  • Don't be a couch potato. 
  • Don't show your partner your questions.
Imperative example sentences
Michael, grab the door knob and pull it as hard as you can!マイケルさん、ドアノブを掴んでドアを思いっきり引いて!
Enjoy! Don't wake me up when you get home!楽しんで!家についても僕を起こさないで。
Okay, that's fine, enjoy your breakfast then.分かったよ、じゃあ朝ご飯楽しんでくれよ。
Yeah, please just throw it in the bin.うん、お願いするよ、ゴミ箱に捨ててくれ。
Congratulations! Please come this way!おめでとうございます! こちらへお越しください!
Let me google it!Googleで調べさせて!
Don't judge it, just enjoy the holiday, Diego!あんまり考えないで、休みを楽しんで、ディエゴ!
Nope! We can walk there in just 10 minutes, let's go!いいや!僕たちは歩いていくのさ、そこまで10分だからね、さあ行くよ!
Don't forget the beer deal.ビールの件は忘れないで。
That's fine, say hi to everyone.良いよ、皆によろしく。
Oh sorry, please don't think I'm overreacting!あぁ、ごめん、お願いだから僕が過剰反応してるなんて思わないで!
Okay, let's check the blue ones first then.よし、じゃあ青色をまず探してみよう。
Let me tell you a true story...ひとつの話をさせて。
Just give me a call 15 minutes before you arrive.ただし、到着の 15 分前にお電話をください。
A tenner is fine, let's see the cash first.10ポンドでいいぜ、金を最初に見ようじゃないか。
Come on! Let me introduce you to them.来て!皆に紹介させて。
Okay, let me get the coffees first.了解、先にコーヒー買いに行かせて。
It was very nice to see you, say hi to Flora.会えてとっても良かったよ、フローラによろしくな。
Let me ask.聞いてみる。
That's a good idea, let me get him then.それは良い考えね、じゃ彼を取りに行かせてね。


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Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional