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Past simple Exercises

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Past simple form : ( verb 2 )

In English we use the past simple tense to talk about finished actions in the past.

We use 'did' as an auxiliary verb in negatives and questions and we often use the past simple with past time phrases such as 5 minutes ago, yesterday, last week, in the 1980s, and when I was a child.

Notes for use of past simple  :

In English, to change verbs to the past tense, we add '-ed' to regular verbs. For example;

work --> worked

live --> lived

walk --> walked

If the verb ends in 'e', we drop the 'e' before adding '-ed'. For example;

dance --> danced

smile --> smiled

phone --> phoned

If the verb ends in a vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant. For example;

stop --> stopped

tag --> tagged

plan --> planned

If the verb has more than one syllable, we double the consonant at the end only if the last syllable is stressed. For example;

prefer --> preferred

permit --> permitted

regret --> regretted

If the last syllable of the verb is not stressed, we do not double the last consonant. For example;

visit --> visited

happen --> happened

develop --> developed

In British English, verbs ending in 'l' double the 'l' before '-ed' whether the last syllable is stressed or not. For example;

travel --> travelled

cancel --> cancelled

If the verb ends in a 'y' or a 'w', we do not double it when we add '-ed'. For example;

stay --> stayed

play --> played

sew --> sewed

In English we do not double the consonant if the verb has two vowels before the last consonant. For example;

boil --> boiled

explain --> explained

In English we also do not double the consonant if the verb ends in two consonants. For example;

help --> helped

start --> started

However, irregular verbs change to completely different words in the past tense. For example;

go --> went

take --> took

know --> knew

The table below shows the different forms of past simple :

Example Verb : live
I / You  / We / They / He / She / It
Positive... lived.
Negative... didn't live.


Did ... live?
Short answers

Yes, ... did. /

No, ... didn't.

For the verb 'to be' we use 'was' and 'were'' in the past simple. No auxiliary verbs are used in negative sentences and questions.

Verb : Be
I / He / She / It
You / We / They
Positive... was ...... were ...
Negative... wasn't ...... weren't ...
QuestionsWas ... ... ?Were ... ...?
Short answers

Yes, ... was. /

No, ... wasn't.

Yes, ... were. /

No, ... weren't.

Past Simple Example Sentences :

Positive Examples of Past Simple :

  • I went to Japan last year.
  • She worked as a consultant for 5 years.
  • We saw a film last night.
  • He was ill yesterday.
  • They were at the party last Saturday night.

Negative Examples of Past Simple :

  • You didn't go to the gym last night.
  • He didn't attend the meeting this morning.
  • We didn't have a dog when I was a child.
  • I wasn't at home last weekend.
  • They weren't happy with the service.

Question Examples of Past Simple :

  • Did you visit New York last summer?
  • Did you eat at the Japanese restaurant last night?
  • Who did you meet at the conference?
  • Was she angry?
  • Where were you yesterday afternoon?

Past simple example sentences
Basically everything, it was like a haunted hippie house.Im Grunde alles, es war wie ein Hippie-Spukhaus.
What happened to this one?Was ist diesmal passiert?
But you just did it, why did you kill the wasp, then?Ja, aber du hast es vorhin gemacht. Warum hast du dann die Wespe getötet?
Did you sleep well last night?Hast du letzte Nacht gut geschlafen?
Anyway, I woke up at 07:00 and went to see the first one.Wie auch immer, ich bin um 07:00 aufgewacht und habe mich aufgemacht das Erste zu besichtigen.
It doesn't mean I didn't spend any time finding a house.Das heißt nicht, dass ich keine Zeit damit verbracht habe ein Haus zu finden.
Pinocchio didn't know he wasn't a real boy in the beginning, either.Pinocchio wusste anfangs auch nicht, dass er kein echter Junge ist.
The book was too big for my bag, it didn't fit!Das Buch war zu groß für meine Tasche. Es hat nicht hinein gepasst!
Because a girl had an argument with Diego?Weil das Mädchen Streit mit Diego hat?
It happened later in the movie, I mean the story.Das kommt später im Film vor. Die Geschichte meine ich.
Of course, we all grew up together.Natürlich, wir sind alle zusammen aufgewachsen.
Oh sorry, I didn't ask you what you wanted.Oh entschuldige, ich habe dich nicht gefragt, was du möchtest.
I can see why the f*cking toilet got clogged now!Jetzt verstehe ich warum die verdammte Toilette verstopft ist!
Hey, I just got an idea where to put the bed!Hey, ich habe eine Idee wohin wir das Bett stellen können!
I hadn't realised you could remember things so fast before!Ich wusste vorher nicht, dass du dich so schnell an Dinge erinnern kannst!
I thought your laptop was worth a cigarette!Ich dachte, dein Laptop sei dir eine Zigarette wert!
I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to be rude, actually.Ich wusste nicht, was ich sagen soll. Ich wollte nicht unhöflich sein.
Actually, I didn't even know you had a cat!Eigentlich wusste ich nicht mal, dass du einen Kater hast!
So I got one chocolate and one blueberry one.Also habe ich einen mit Schokolade und einen mit Heidelbeeren geholt.
When did you last visit your parents?Wann hast du das letzte Mal deine Eltern besucht?


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Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional