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Zero conditional Exercises

( Free Online English Grammar Lessons )

Read time : 1 minute

Form : ( If / When + subject + present simple, subject + present simple )

In English, the zero conditional talks about facts or things that are always true.

Examples sentences :

  • If you heat ice, it melts.
  • If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
  • If you don't exercise, you become unfit.
  • When I'm worried, I don't sleep well.
  • When I'm really tired, I can sleep anywhere.

Notes for use of zero conditional :

'If' and 'when' have the same meaning in the zero conditional.

We can use a modal instead of a present form to give advice.

  • If the medicine has no effect, you should return to the doctor.
Zero conditional example sentences
I like the skin on if you make it crispy!Ich mag sie mit Haut, wenn du die Haut knusprig backst!
When you like some shoes, they never have your size.Wenn du ein paar Schuhe magst, dann gibt es sie nicht in deiner Größe.
Once you show him where it is, he always poos and pees there.Sobald du es ihm einmal gezeigt hast, wird er sein Geschäft immer dort verrichten.
If you want to take your pet to Australia with you.Wenn du dein Haustier mit dir nach Australien mitnehmen möchtest.
If there's anything wrong with your pet...Wenn es irgendein Problem mit deinem Haustier gibt.
The flight takes roughly 18 hours...Der Flug dauert ungefähr 18 Stunden...
Whenever that happens, this is what you ask me to do the next morning.Jedes Mal wenn das vorkommt, fragst du mich genau das am nächsten Morgen.
It always turns into a huge problem.Dann wird immer ein großes Problem daraus.
If you take it from Clapham-Junction it takes roughly an hour.Wenn du den Zug von Clapham-Junction nimmst, dann dauert es grob eine Stunde.
What I said was, if it's not necessary, I never kill any animal...Ich habe gesagt, dass ich niemals ein Tier töte, falls es nicht notwendig ist...
Yeah, when I hear chips I remember her now.Ja, wenn ich Pommes höre, dann denke ich jetzt an sie.
If there is no delay in connecting flights.Wenn es keine Verspätung bei den Verbindungsflügen gibt.
When I go there, I usually have to stay at least a month.Wenn ich dorthin fliege, dann muss ich normalerweise mindestens einen Monat lang bleiben.
If you don't have a match, dear, you need to do it by hand!Wenn du keine Streichhölzer hast, Schatz, dann musst du es per Hand machen!
You have to leave it in quarantine for 6 months!Dann musst du es 6 Monate lang in Quarantäne lassen!
You are always welcome to take the room.Kannst du das Zimmer jederzeit gerne haben.
Yes, if it's okay for you, it's totally fine for me, too.Ja, wenn das für dich in Ordnung ist, dann ist es auch für mich okay.
When you like some clothes, they don't have the colour or the size you want, etcetera.Wenn du ein Kleidungsstück magst, dann haben sie nicht die Farbe oder die Größe die du willst und so weiter.
Don't forget Cate, if you can leave your cat with someone else...Denk daran Cate, falls du deine Katze bei jemand anderem lässt...
If you are buying lots of things, it turns into a hassle!Wenn man viele Sachen kauft, dann wird es mühsam!


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Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional