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Hmm, well, I guess I have to think about it.

( Hmm, bueno, supongo que tengo que pensarlo. )

Hmm, well, I guess I have to think about it. Translations
Deutsche Hmm, nun, ich muss darüber nachdenken.
Français Hum, eh bien, je pense que je vais y réfléchir.
Italiano Hmm, beh, credo di doverci pensare.
日本語 うーん、ちょっと考えないと。
Português Hum, bem, eu vou ter de pensar.
Русский Ммм, я думаю, мне стоит об этом подумать.
Türkçe Hmm, yani, sanırım düşünmem lazım.
简体中文 嗯,好吧,我觉得我需要考虑一下。
عربي .مممم, حسناً, أعتقد أننى سأفكر فى هذا الأمر
한글 음, 글쎄, 생각을 좀 해봐야겠는데.
हिन्दी हम्म, खैर, मुझे लगता है मुझे इसके बारे में सोचना होगा।


ernestog   1+ w
I think she means she has to sober up.
shahs   1+ w
dont think just go and enjoy
Jenny   1+ w
Right, you can't say "yes" immediately (even when you love to do that)
Sama   1+ w
don't be silly and play games,i know you want it
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Don't think just go with him. 
MariaK   1+ w
let me check my schedule... YES.