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Hmm, well, I guess I have to think about it.

( Ммм, я думаю, мне стоит об этом подумать. )

Hmm, well, I guess I have to think about it. Translations
Deutsche Hmm, nun, ich muss darüber nachdenken.
Español Hmm, bueno, supongo que tengo que pensarlo.
Français Hum, eh bien, je pense que je vais y réfléchir.
Italiano Hmm, beh, credo di doverci pensare.
日本語 うーん、ちょっと考えないと。
Português Hum, bem, eu vou ter de pensar.
Türkçe Hmm, yani, sanırım düşünmem lazım.
简体中文 嗯,好吧,我觉得我需要考虑一下。
عربي .مممم, حسناً, أعتقد أننى سأفكر فى هذا الأمر
한글 음, 글쎄, 생각을 좀 해봐야겠는데.
हिन्दी हम्म, खैर, मुझे लगता है मुझे इसके बारे में सोचना होगा।


ernestog   1+ w
I think she means she has to sober up.
shahs   1+ w
dont think just go and enjoy
Jenny   1+ w
Right, you can't say "yes" immediately (even when you love to do that)
Sama   1+ w
don't be silly and play games,i know you want it
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Don't think just go with him. 
MariaK   1+ w
let me check my schedule... YES.