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Sorry, the line is very bad!

( Désolé, la ligne est très mauvaise! )

Jen > Mike
Sorry, the line is very bad! Translations
Deutsche Sorry, die Verbindung ist sehr schlecht!
Español Perdona, ¡la cobertura es muy mala!
Italiano Scusa, la linea è disturbata!
日本語 ごめんなさい、電波がとっても悪いわ!
Português Desculpe, o sinal está muito mau!
Русский Прости, на линии помехи!
Türkçe Afedersin, hatlar çok kötü!
简体中文 对不起,线路非常不好!
عربي !أسفة، الخط سيء للغاية
한글 미안, 통화연결이 안 좋아!
हिन्दी माफ करना, लाइन बहुत खराब है!


ernestog   1+ w
No ıt's not, she's just trying to get rid of you.
MariaK   1+ w
she's just pretending to ignore the f word lol