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Sorry, the line is very bad!

( Afedersin, hatlar çok kötü! )

Jen > Mike
Sorry, the line is very bad! Translations
Deutsche Sorry, die Verbindung ist sehr schlecht!
Español Perdona, ¡la cobertura es muy mala!
Français Désolé, la ligne est très mauvaise!
Italiano Scusa, la linea è disturbata!
日本語 ごめんなさい、電波がとっても悪いわ!
Português Desculpe, o sinal está muito mau!
Русский Прости, на линии помехи!
简体中文 对不起,线路非常不好!
عربي !أسفة، الخط سيء للغاية
한글 미안, 통화연결이 안 좋아!
हिन्दी माफ करना, लाइन बहुत खराब है!


ernestog   1+ w
No ıt's not, she's just trying to get rid of you.
MariaK   1+ w
she's just pretending to ignore the f word lol