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Bear hates being at a vet, too.

( Bear odia estar en un veterinario también. )

Bear hates being at a vet, too. Translations
Deutsche Bear hasst es auch beim Tierarzt zu sein.
Français Bear aussi déteste aller chez le vétérinaire.
Italiano Anche Bear odia andare dal veterinario.
日本語 ベアも獣医にいるのが嫌いなんだ。
Português Bear também odeia estar em um veterinário.
Русский Беар тоже ненавидит находиться в ветеринарной клинике.
Türkçe Bear da veterinerde bulunmaktan nefret ediyor.
简体中文 大熊也不喜欢呆在兽医诊所。
عربي .أيضاً بير يكره الذهاب الى البيطري
한글 베어도 동물병원 오는 걸 싫어하는데.
हिन्दी बेयर को भी पशु चिकित्सक के पास आना बिल्कुल पसंद नहीं है।


ernestog   1+ w
Yeah, Bear's not too bright, I think.  He's a big, dumb dog:)
shahs   1+ w
bear eat you...
Jenny   1+ w
Your Chow chow dog name is Bear? Well that's genius!!
Sama   1+ w
wow, what a name for a dog :D
MariaK   1+ w
really? what a silly name for a dog. this guy is kinda dumb I think.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Bear. really. Is that Dog name?
Sputnik   1+ w
Makes sense... Chows look more like bears than dogs!
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MMiniKK   1+ w
Hard language ????????