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They are all English teachers working at the same school.

( 다들 같은 학교에서 일하시는 영어 선생님들이야. )

They are all English teachers working at the same school. Translations
Deutsche Sie sind alle Englischlehrerinnen und arbeiten für dieselbe Schule.
Español Todas son maestras de inglés que trabajan en la misma escuela.
Français Elles sont toutes professeur d'anglais et travaillent en même temps à l'école.
Italiano Sono tutte insegnanti di inglese che lavorano nella stessa scuola.
日本語 皆同じ学校で、英語の先生をしているんだ。
Português São todas professoras de inglês trabalhando na mesma escola.
Русский Они все - учителя английского языка, работающие в одной школе.
Türkçe Hepsi aynı okulda İngilizce öğretmenliği yapıyor.
简体中文 她们都是在同一所学校工作的英语老师。
عربي .جميعهم معلمات لغة إنجليزية يعملن فى نفس المدرسة
हिन्दी ये सभी एक ही स्कूल में अंग्रेज़ी की शिक्षिका हैं।


ernestog   1+ w
Here the verb is 'to be'.  It's always a state verb when it's the main verb of a sentence.
shahs   1+ w
because they are intelligent
Jenny   1+ w
So now I know they're English teacher
Jenny   1+ w
Which school? I thought they teach in university 
Sama   1+ w
All hot teachers 
MariaK   1+ w
guys love english teachers because they like reading, traveling and stuff and also being a teacher is the "most suitable job for women" (!) so I bet diego is happy he met these women.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
School teachers