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I feel hungry, too.

( 나도 배고파. )

I feel hungry, too. Translations
Deutsche Ich bin auch hungrig.
Español Tengo hambre también.
Français J'ai faim aussi.
Italiano Anch'io ho fame.
日本語 僕もお腹が空いてるよ。
Português Eu também tenho fome.
Русский Я тоже голоден.
Türkçe Ben de acıktım.
简体中文 我也觉得饿了。
عربي .أنا اشعر بالجوع أيضاً
हिन्दी मुझे भी भूख लगी है।


ernestog   1+ w
You're going to feel an ice-pick through the back of your head if you keep messing with Roc's woman.
shahs   1+ w
then go and eat something
Sama   1+ w
take her out in a date man, it's the time
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yes, Thats a hero.