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Sh*t! I can't believe it's already 10:30!

( Verdammt! Ich kann nicht glauben, dass es schon 22:30 Uhr ist! )

Sh*t! I can't believe it's already 10:30! Translations
Español ¡Mierda! ¡No puedo creer que ya son las 10:30!
Français Merde ! Il est déjà 22:30 !
Italiano Merda! Non riesco a credere che siano già le 10:30!
日本語 くそ!もう10時30分だなんて信じられない。
Português M*rda! Não acredito que já são 10:30!
Русский Чёрт! Не могу поверить, что уже 10.30!
Türkçe Has*ktir! İnanmıyorum, saat şimdiden 10:30 mu olmuş?
简体中文 糟糕!没想到已经10:30了!
عربي اللعنة! انا لا أصدق ان الساعة أصبحت 10:30
한글 젠장! 벌써 10시 반이라니 말도 안돼!
हिन्दी ओह! मुझे भरोसा नहीं हो रहा 10:30 हो गए!


ernestog   1+ w
Shit?  What kind of language is that in front of your future ex-wife?
shahs   1+ w
okay its not good
Jenny   1+ w
The one who's in rush this time is Mike, not Cate
MariaK   1+ w
oops, that's not a very nice language.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Not bad