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Is your dog a Chow Chow?

( Ist dein Hund ein Chow-Chow? )

Is your dog a Chow Chow? Translations
Español ¿Tu perro es un Chow Chow?
Français Est-ce que votre chien est un Chow Chow ?
Italiano Il tuo cane è un Chow Chow?
日本語 あなたの犬はチャウ・チャウ?
Português O seu cão é um Chow Chow?
Русский А у тебя собака чау-чау?
Türkçe Köpeğin Chow Chow mu?
简体中文 你的狗是松狮吗?
عربي هل كلبك تشاو تشاو؟
한글 그쪽 개는 차우차우예요?
हिन्दी क्या आपका कुत्ता चाउ चाउ है?


ernestog   1+ w
Does't look like a Chow Chow to me...hmm, I'm getting hungry.  I want some food to chow on, haha!
shahs   1+ w
Jenny   1+ w
Is Chow Chow breed from China?
Sama   1+ w
is it?
MariaK   1+ w
I really don't like chow chows, they look like they just got washed and blow dried!
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Is that a bread?
Chow chow.
is she asking about the breeds.
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bul455299   1+ w
that was hard for who dont know what chow chow is