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I don't like going to hospitals, either.

( 나도 병원가는 거 싫어하니까. )

I don't like going to hospitals, either. Translations
Deutsche Ich mag es auch nicht ins Krankenhaus zu gehen.
Español No me gusta ir a los hospitales tampoco.
Français Je n'aime pas aller à l'hôpital non plus.
Italiano Nemmeno a me piacciono gli ospedali.
日本語 僕も病院に行くのは好きじゃないよ。
Português Eu não também gosto de ir a hospitais.
Русский Я тоже не люблю ходить по больницам.
Türkçe Ben de hastaneye gitmeyi sevmiyorum.
简体中文 我也不喜欢去医院。
عربي .أنا لا أحب الذهاب الى المستشفيات أيضاً
हिन्दी मुझे भी अस्पताल जाना पसंद नहीं है।


ernestog   1+ w
Who does?  Hospitals are the worst.
shahs   1+ w
same here man
Jenny   1+ w
Can we say "I don't like to go to the hospitals"? Are they different?
Sama   1+ w
Who does?
MariaK   1+ w
hospital is nobody's favorite place.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
I feel board when i wait for doctor serial. But really feel good when i talk with doctor, I feel so better.