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Isn't it faster taking the tube?

( أليس من الأسرع أخذ قطار الأنفاق؟ )

Isn't it faster taking the tube? Translations
Deutsche Ist es nicht schneller mit der U-Bahn?
Español ¿No es más rápido tomando el metro?
Français Ce n'est pas plus rapide en bus ?
Italiano Non è più veloce prendere la metro?
日本語 地下鉄を使う方が速くない?
Português Não é mais rápido pegar o metrô?
Русский А разве не будет быстрее поехать на метро?
Türkçe Metroyla daha hızlı değil mi?
简体中文 乘地铁不是更快吗?
한글 지하철이 더 빠르지 않아?
हिन्दी तुम मेट्रो से ज्यादा जल्दी नहीं पहुँचोगी?


ernestog   1+ w
'Taking' is used as a gerund here.  In this case she could have also used the infinitive 'to take'. 
shahs   1+ w
again tube mean?

Sama   1+ w
so previously tube meant bus and now the subway?
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yes tube is more faster.