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Hi, I don't think it's broken.

( Oi, eu não acho que está quebrada. )

Hi, I don't think it's broken. Translations
Deutsche Hi, ich denke nicht, dass es gebrochen ist.
Español Hola, no creo que esté rota.
Français Bonjour, je ne pense pas qu’elle soit cassée.
Italiano Non penso sia rotta.
日本語 やあ、足が折れているとは思わないわ。
Русский Привет, я не думаю, что она сломана.
Türkçe Selam, kırıldığını sanmam.
简体中文 嗨,我认为他没有受伤。
عربي .مرحباً, انا لا أعتقد انها مكسورة
한글 안녕하세요, 부러진 것 같진 않은데.
हिन्दी हैलो, मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह टूटा है।


ernestog   1+ w
I wonder what she's thinking about!
shahs   1+ w
that look good
Jenny   1+ w
Phew!!! Hope so
Sama   1+ w
awww Thank God
MariaK   1+ w
either it's broken or not, what does she mean by "think"?
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
That i was thought previous. Thanks GOD
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Guest   1+ w
She hopes not :(