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Did you have much money in your purse?

( Você tinha muito dinheiro na carteira? )

Did you have much money in your purse? Translations
Deutsche Hattest du Geld in deinem Geldbeutel?
Español ¿Tenías mucho dinero en tu bolsa?
Français Aviez-vous beaucoup d'argent dans votre portefeuille ?
Italiano Avevi molti soldi nel portafoglio?
日本語 財布にはお金が沢山入っていたの?
Русский У тебя было много денег в кошельке?
Türkçe Cüzdanında çok para var mıydı?
简体中文 你当时钱包里有很多钱吗?
عربي هل كان لديكِ الكثير من الأموال فى محفظتك؟
한글 지갑에 돈이 많이 있었어요?
हिन्दी क्या आपके पर्स में ज्यादा पैसे थे?


ernestog   1+ w
I think it was Diego that stole it.
shahs   1+ w
this not reasonable question
Sama   1+ w
he likes to know too much
MariaK   1+ w
it doesn't really matter because the id card and credit cards are harder to deal with in a situation like that. it definitely hurts more than the money.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
No I think