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We'll have a bottle of chardonnay and a bottle of sauvignon blanc, thanks Mike.

( Prendiamo una bottiglia di Chardonnay e una bottiglia di Sauvignon Blanc, grazie Mike. )

We'll have a bottle of chardonnay and a bottle of sauvignon blanc, thanks Mike. Translations
Deutsche Wir möchten dann eine Flasche Chardonnay und eine Flasche Sauvignon Blanc. Danke Mike.
Español Compraremos una botella de Chardonnay y una botella de Sauvignon Blanc. Gracias, Mike.
Français Nous allons prendre une bouteille de Chardonnay et une bouteille de Sauvignon Blanc, merci Mike.
日本語 シャルドネとソーヴィニヨン・ブランを頼むわ、ありがとうマイク。
Português Vamos querer uma garrafa de Chardonnay e uma garrafa de Sauvignon Blanc, obrigada Mike.
Русский Мы будем бутылку Шардоне и бутылку Совиньон Блан, спасибо, Майк.
Türkçe Bir şişe Chardonnay ve bir şişe Sauvignon Blanc alıyoruz, teşekkürler Mike.
简体中文 我们要一瓶霞多丽和一瓶白索维农,谢谢你,迈克。
عربي .سنحصل على زجاجة شاردوناى و زجاجة ساوفينغون بلانك, شكراً مايك
한글 그럼 샤르도네 한 병이랑 소비뇽 블랑 한 병 할게. 고마워, 마이크.
हिन्दी हम एक बोतल शार्डने और एक बोतल सोविग्नॉन ब्लांक लेंगे, धन्यवाद माइक।


ernestog   1+ w
He asks if you want a drink and you order two bottles of wine?

shahs   1+ w
has enough money
Jenny   1+ w
So 2 girls will drink out 1 bottle of wine. That's too much
Sama   1+ w
two :o ?
MariaK   1+ w
2 bottles of wine for 3 people? I wonder what school they teach at, they must have a really hard time with the kids lmao
Mithila_Orna   1+ w