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Sorry to interrupt your story, but I really have to go now!

( Hikayeni böldüğüm için özür dilerim ama gerçekten hemen gitmem gerekiyor. )

Sorry to interrupt your story, but I really have to go now! Translations
Deutsche Entschuldige, dass ich deine Geschichte unterbreche, aber ich muss wirklich gehen!
Español Siento interrumpir tu historia, ¡pero me tengo que ir ahora!
Français Désolée d'interrompre votre histoire mais je dois vraiment y aller !
Italiano Mi dispiace interrompere la tua storia ma devo proprio andare adesso!
日本語 話の途中でごめん、でも今直ぐ行かないと!
Português Desculpe interromper a sua história, mas eu tenho realmente de ir agora!
Русский Прости, что прерываю тебя, но мне действительно нужно идти сейчас!
简体中文 很抱歉打断你的故事,但是我现在真的要走了!
عربي !أسفة لمقاطعة قصتك لكن حقاً يجب أن أذهب الان
한글 얘기 끊어서 미안한데 지금 진짜 가봐야 돼서!
हिन्दी आपकी कहानी को बीच में रोकने के लिए माफी चाहती हूँ लेकिन मुझे अब जाना होगा!


ernestog   1+ w
They say 'Brevity is the soul of wit', Mikey.  I'm thinking it as I shake my head.
shahs   1+ w
hahahah thats a good one
Jenny   1+ w
It's hard to be polite when you're in hurry. I know that feeling
MariaK   1+ w
why does she have a grin on her face though?
Sama   1+ w
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Ha ha ha
Thats nice
Sputnik   1+ w
She has no choice but to be direct now...