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Oh yeah, it's our girls' night out tonight.

( Оу,да. Это наша девичья вечеринка сегодня. )

Oh yeah, it's our girls' night out tonight. Translations
Deutsche Oh ja, heute ist unser Frauenabend.
Español Oh, sí, esta noche es noche de chicas.
Français Oh oui, c'est notre soirées entre filles ce soir ?
Italiano Oh sì, è la nostra serata fuori fra ragazze stasera.
日本語 うん、今夜は女子会なの。
Português Oh, sim, hoje é a nossa saída de mulheres.
Türkçe Ah evet, bu gece kızlar gecesi.
简体中文 是的,今晚是我们的女生派对之夜。
عربي .اوه أجل, هذه هى ليلة خروج الفتيات الخاصة بنا
한글 아 응, 오늘 여자들끼리 놀러 나온 거야.
हिन्दी ओह हाँ, आज हमारा गर्ल्स नाईट आउट है।


ernestog   1+ w
shahs   1+ w
mike is there for right time
Jenny   1+ w
Girls nights are always the best. Go Cate!
Sama   1+ w
your time for the move mikey
MariaK   1+ w
oh no. mike had better forget about tonight. girls' night out is an event where no boys are allowed.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
good, V good