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It must be a sign, why don't you...

( ...يجب ان تكون هذه علامة, لماذا لا )

It must be a sign, why don't you... Translations
Deutsche Das muss ein Zeichen sein, warum kommst du nicht...
Español Debe ser una señal, ¿por qué no...
Français Cela doit être un signe, pourquoi ne...
Italiano Potrebbe essere un segno, perché non…
日本語 それが印だよ、よかったら、、、
Português Deve ser um sinal, por que você não...
Русский Это должно быть знак, почему бы тебе не...
Türkçe Bu bir işaret olmalı, neden...
简体中文 这一定是天意,你为什么不...
한글 이건 운명이 분명해, 그럼 나랑...
हिन्दी यह एक इशारा हो सकता है, क्यों ना तुम...


ernestog   1+ w
'...stop getting drunk and kicking your cat all over your apartment?'
shahs   1+ w
no its not sign
Jenny   1+ w
Is this what he's thinking or he does say it out loud?
Sama   1+ w
it is a sign obviously things are going in a lovely direction
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yes it can be sign.
MariaK   1+ w
aaand just as he was asking the important question he gets interrupted. what a joke.