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I'm hungry, but it's better to have something when we meet the guys.

( Ben açım ama bizimkilerle buluşunca bir şeyler yersek daha iyi olur. )

I'm hungry, but it's better to have something when we meet the guys. Translations
Deutsche Ich bin hungrig, aber es ist besser etwas zu essen, wenn wir die Jungs treffen.
Español Tengo hambre, pero mejor comemos algo cuando nos encontremos con los chicos.
Français J'ai faim, mais c'est mieux d'avoir quelque chose quand nous verrons les garçons.
Italiano Ho fame, ma è meglio prendere qualcosa quando incontriamo i ragazzi.
日本語 お腹が空いてるけど、男の子たちと会って何か食べたほうがいいわ。
Português Eu tenho fome, mas é melhor comer alguma coisa quando estivermos com os rapazes.
Русский Я голодна, но лучше поесть, когда мы встретим парней.
简体中文 我饿了,但是最好还是在见到那些男生的时候再吃。
عربي .انا جائعة, لكن من الإفضل الحصول على شىء عندما نقابل الفتيان
한글 나도 배 고프지만, 걔네랑 같이 먹는 게 나으니까.
हिन्दी मुझे भूख लगी है, लेकिन लड़कों से मिलने पर उनके साथ खाना बेहतर होगा।


ernestog   1+ w
Who are these guys, Mikey?  Are you hearing this?  These women are players.
shahs   1+ w
ok go meet and eat
Jenny   1+ w
Good way to say no
Sama   1+ w
good point. have fun y'all
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yes, Thats a good idea 
MariaK   1+ w
eating together is always better than eating alone.