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I've finally completed it and tomorrow is the big day!

( Sonunda bitirdim ve yarın büyük gün! )

I've finally completed it and tomorrow is the big day! Translations
Deutsche Ich habe es endlich beendet und morgen ist der große Tag!
Español Por fin he terminado, ¡Y mañana es el gran día!
Français Je l'ai finalement terminé et demain est un grand jour !
Italiano L'ho finalmente completato e domani è il grande giorno!
日本語 ついに完成して、明日は重大な日なんだ。
Português Eu finalmente o concluí e amanhã é o grande dia!
Русский Наконец-то я его завершил и завтра важный день!
简体中文 我终于完成了,明天是个大日子!
عربي !و قد إنتهيت منه أخيراً و غداً هو اليوم الكبير
한글 드디어 완성했으니, 내일이 결전의 날이야!
हिन्दी आखिरकार, मैंने इसे पूरा कर लिया है और कल मेरे लिए बड़ा दिन है!


ernestog   1+ w
I can't believe it!  ' the big day' is how we talk about a very important date.
shahs   1+ w
yes its a big day for you
Jenny   1+ w
Are you going to present it?
Sama   1+ w
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Sama   1+ w
get a drink then go
MariaK   1+ w
why the hell would you spend the night in a bar then? you're gonna get yourself in trouble. if i was him i would just sleep in to make sure everything goes well the next day.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w