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I feel a bit tired and very hungry.

( ちょっと疲れてて、とてもお腹が空いてる。 )

I feel a bit tired and very hungry. Translations
Deutsche Ich bin ein bisschen müde und sehr hungrig.
Español Me siento un poco cansada y muy hambrienta.
Français Je me sens un peu fatiguée et j'ai très faim.
Italiano Sono un po' stanca e ho molta fame.
Português Estou um pouco cansada e com muita fome.
Русский Я чуть-чуть устала и очень голодна.
Türkçe Kendimi biraz yorgun ve çok aç hissediyorum.
简体中文 我感觉有点累了,而且非常饿。
عربي .أشعر أننى مجهدة قليلة و جائعة جداً
한글 약간 피곤하고 되게 배고파서.
हिन्दी मैं थोड़ा थक गयी हूँ और मुझे भूख भी लगी है।


ernestog   1+ w
Not very sexy there, Cate.  Tell him you feel a chill and want to cuddle.
shahs   1+ w
ok go and rset
Jenny   1+ w
An indirect way to ask Mike for a meal. Such a smart lady!
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Ohhhh Sweet girl. 
Go with Mike