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How did you know he was a male cat?

( كيف علمت انه قط مذكر؟ )

How did you know he was a male cat? Translations
Deutsche Woher weißt du, dass es ein Kater ist?
Español ¿Cómo supiste que era un gato macho?
Français Comment saviez-vous qu’il était un mâle ?
Italiano Come hai fatto a sapere che era un gatto maschio?
日本語 どうしてオスネコだと分かったの?
Português Como você descobriu que ele era um gato macho?
Русский Как ты узнал, что это именно кот?
Türkçe Erkek kedi olduğunu nereden anladın?
简体中文 你是怎么知道他是一只公猫的?
한글 고양이가 수컷인 건 어떻게 알았어요?
हिन्दी आपको कैसे पता चला कि यह नर बिल्ली है?


ernestog   1+ w
He's pretty good!  I'm impressed with this guy's technique!
Sama   1+ w
Good Question !
MariaK   1+ w
he just assumed it. he's lucky.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yah. She is genius. Nice question. 
Sputnik   1+ w
How is it possible to know?
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ila741699   1+ w
İ'm sad ı lose A0 İNGİLİZCE AMK