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Girls, if you've finished, can we clean the table?

( 女孩们,如果你们已经喝完,我们可以收拾桌子了吗? )

Girls, if you've finished, can we clean the table? Translations
Deutsche Mädels, wenn ihr fertig seid, können wir den Tisch sauber machen?
Español Chicas, si han terminado, ¿podemos limpiar la mesa?
Français Les filles, si vous avez fini, on peut nettoyer la table ?
Italiano Ragazze, se avete finito, possiamo pulire il tavolo?
日本語 女性の皆さん、終わったら、テーブルを綺麗にしてくれない?
Português Meninas, se já terminaram, podemos limpar sua mesa?
Русский Девочки, если вы закончили, мы можем убрать со стола?
Türkçe Kızlar, bitirdiyseniz masayı temizleyebilir miyiz?
عربي يافتيات, اذا إنتهيتهم, هل يمكننا تنظيف المنضدة؟
한글 아가씨들, 끝났으면 테이블 닦아도 될까?
हिन्दी लड़कियों, अगर तुम्हारा हो गया तो क्या हम मेज साफ कर सकते हैं?


ernestog   1+ w
That's Rocco's code for: Time to come back to my apartment and take a train ride.
shahs   1+ w
no first clean the remaining pub
Sama   1+ w
Rocco wants to go home ladies 
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Rocco is busy.
MariaK   1+ w
this night at the bar was unconveniently short to me. I'd like a reaaallly long story lol.