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Do you go to the Windmill often?

( Ты часто ходишь в Виндмилл? )

Do you go to the Windmill often? Translations
Deutsche Gehst du oft dahin?
Español ¿Vas seguido al Molino de viento?
Français Allez-vous souvent au Moulin à Vent ?
Italiano Vai spesso al Windmill?
日本語 ウインドミルにはよく行くの?
Português Você vai para o Windmill muitas vezes?
Türkçe Windmill'e sık gider misin?
简体中文 你经常去风车坊吗?
عربي هل تذهبين كثيراً الى ويندميل؟
한글 윈드밀 자주 가요?
हिन्दी क्या आप अक्सर विंडमिल जाती हैं?


ernestog   1+ w
Of course she goes often.  Her boyfriend works there:)))
shahs   1+ w
what you do if she say yes
MariaK   1+ w
nosey questions again my friend.
Sama   1+ w
can't you find anything else to talk about?
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
I think she go.
Sputnik   1+ w
Classic chat up line!
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bul455299   1+ w
none of your business kardeşim sus artık