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What the f*ck!? With all your chips in it?

What the f*ck!? With all your chips in it? Translations
Deutsche Was zum Teufel!? Mit all deinen Pommes darin?
Español ¿¡Qué car*jo!? ¿Con todas tus papas en ella?
Français Put**n!? Avec tes frites dedans?
Italiano Ma che c**zo? Con tutte le tue patatine dentro?
日本語 はあ⁉ きみのチップスも全部かい?
Português Mas que c*ralho!? Com todas as batatas fritas dentro?
Русский Что за фигня!? Вместе со всеми твоими чипсами?
Türkçe Has*ktir? Senin patates kızartmaların içindeyken mi?
简体中文 搞什么啊!?把你的薯条也都丢进去了吗?
عربي ماذا بحق الجحيم؟ بالرقائق الخاصة بك فيها؟
한글 뭐라고!? 네 감자튀김이랑 째로?
हिन्दी क्या चू*यापा है!? तुम्हारे सारे चिप्स के साथ?


MariaK   1+ w
she really is mental. I thought he was exagerating but, it is real apparently.
ernestog   1+ w
They were on fire!