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I agree, long flights aren't very pleasant.

I agree, long flights aren't very pleasant. Translations
Deutsche Ich denke auch, dass Langestreckenflüge nicht sehr angenehm sind.
Español Estoy de acuerdo, los vuelos largos no son muy agradables.
Français Je suis d'accord, les longs vols ne sont pas ma tasse de thé.
Italiano Sono d’accordo, i voli lunghi non sono molto piacevoli.
日本語 私もそう思うわ、長時間フライトは全く面白くないよね。
Português Concordo, as viagens de avião longas não são muito agradáveis.
Русский Согласна, долгие перелеты очень неприятны.
Türkçe Bence de, uzun uçuşlar pek hoş değil.
简体中文 我同意,长途飞行令人不怎么舒服。
عربي .انا أتفق معك, رحلات الطيران الطويلة غير ممتعة بالمرة
한글 그건 맞아, 비행기 오래 타는 건 별로 즐거운 경험이 아니지.
हिन्दी मैं मानती हूँ, लंबी उड़ानें बहुत अच्छी नहीं होती है।


ernestog   1+ w
You love them, Cate.  They have a fully stocked bar.
Sama   1+ w
you guys can take a stop in a city for a day or 2 ,, would be so much fun
MariaK   1+ w
do they hate it because it's scary or because it's long? if it's the latter, they're really stupid. they can just sleep the whole flight away.