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Haven't decided yet, but you can call me when you finish.

( Ещё пока не решили, но ты можешь мне позвонить, как закончишь. )

Haven't decided yet, but you can call me when you finish. Translations
Deutsche Habe ich noch nicht beschlossen, aber du kannst mich anrufen, wenn du fertig bist.
Español No hemos decidido todavía, pero puedes llamarme cuando termines.
Français Nous n'avons pas encore décidé, mais tu peux m'appeler quand tu auras terminé.
Italiano Non abbiamo ancora deciso, ma puoi chiamarmi quando hai finito.
日本語 決めてないけど、終わったら電話して。
Português Não decidimos ainda, mas você pode me ligar quando sair.
Türkçe Daha karar vermedik, ama işin bitince beni arayabilirsin.
简体中文 还没有决定,但是你收工的时候可以打电话给我。
عربي .لم أقرر بعد, لكن يمكنك الإتصال بى عندما تنتهى
한글 아직 못 정했는데, 마치고 전화해도 돼.
हिन्दी अभी तक सोचा नहीं लेकिन, अपना काम खत्म करने बाद तुम मुझे कॉल कर सकते हो।


ernestog   1+ w
See what I mean, Mikey?  This one's taken more train rides than you know.
shahs   1+ w
Jenny   1+ w
Why he has to call her when he finishes work? Are they a couple?
Sama   1+ w
i believe they are really good friends
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Yes he will call you.