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Then we found the wallet with nothing left in it.

( Dann haben wir den leeren Geldbeutel gefunden. )

Then we found the wallet with nothing left in it. Translations
Español Luego encontramos la cartera sin nada en ella.
Français Puis, nous avons retrouvé le portefeuille avec rien à l'intérieur.
Italiano Poi abbiamo ritrovato portafoglio senza nulla.
日本語 そして、空っぽの財布を僕たちは見つけた。
Português Depois encontramos a carteira sem nada dentro dela.
Русский Затем мы его обнаружили пустым.
Türkçe Sonrasında cüzdanı içinde hiçbir şey kalmamış şekilde bulduk.
简体中文 后来我们找到了钱包,但是里面却空空如也。
عربي .ثم وجدنا المحفظة و لم يتبقى فيها أى شىء
한글 그리고 다시 찾았더니 돈이 탈탈 털린 상태였죠.
हिन्दी इसके बाद हमें खाली पर्स मिला।


shahs   1+ w
hahahah thats a good one
Jenny   1+ w
Well of course
Sama   1+ w
hehehe you should be grateful that you found it 
MariaK   1+ w
this is still lucky. at least you still have your id and credit cards.
Mithila_Orna   1+ w
Ha ha ha